Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No matter if you're half horse, half fish, you're proud of what you are.

That was a quote from Amanda's diary. She's a part of a segment called Radio Diaries where teenagers carry around tape recorders and tell their individuals stories. No matter who you are, connecting to them is inevitable. One of these stories are going to reach out and touch emotions whether you invited it to or not.

The One I listen to was a young girl at the age of seventeen named Amanda. She talks about how hard it is to be different. She doesn't think she's that weird. She's kind of punk and doesn't dress all girly, so what? Amanda's mother says she needs to look more like a lady. Amanda's had a girlfriend for two years and her parents think it's just a phase. The emotion in her voice makes you really feel for her and the amount of happiness she feels when she talks about her girlfriend really makes you believe that Amanda loves her. The harsh views of her parents cut through the honest naiveness of Amanda. She knows she's young and inexperienced, but her parents throw it right back in her face and blame her behavior on that. You don't need to experience things to know that it's wrong for you. But then again, You can't rule something out unless you've tried it and given it a fair shot. "My parents think this is like a phase. I don't think it's a phase... I think this is me. I don't know what to say. That's how i feel and it doesn't really bother me."

Feet First

Hi How Are You I'm Fine Thanks: Spartan Reader Submission: Feet First: Look down at your feet. Have you been anywhere that your feet have not taken you? Despite riding a bike or driving a car, feet have becom...

Daily Enlightenment

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true."

I said a while back that I was going to start posting daily enlightenment quotes but I haven't really gotten around to it because I've been so busy with everything. This is the quote I'm focusing on today. You can take this a literal way and contemplate the whole 'direction' aspect of it. or you can think of it in the way like "where am I going with life?". Is my destiny set already? No, of course it's not. I have the power to change something if I so wish. There's no certain direction I should be following even if people tell me that's the best way. That's not the best way in my eyes so I refuse to believe that to be true. Maybe that's their north, but mine is in a different direction.

Black shiny FBI shoes and the bladder totem.

I just started this book, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. I've been so busy lately with work and tutoring and trying to save cats from the shelter that I haven't had much time to read. But i've gotten into it!
As  the book starts the narrator, Tom Wolfe, is riding in a rickity told pickup truck with a group of hippies heading to a warehouse. They're all dressed oddly with gnome like hats and beads down to their bellies with jesuschrist strung out hair.They're all waiting for the freedom of their leader who had recently been arrested because of possesion of drugs in San francisco. Wolfe explains the scene of his brief visit to Kesey while he was in the jail and he says it "was more like the stage door at a music box theatre full of cheer and anticipation". While Wolfe is there, Kesey tells him, through the large glass plates of the holding cell, that he wants to take a pschedelic movement. A movement of free love and a large usage of LSD. Kesey calls it the acid test and though he doesn't fully explain what he means, he says it has something to do with "all the senses opened wide, words, music, lights, sounds, touch-lighting".
Before meeting up with the merry pranksters, Wolfe stays in San Francisco, north beach, and enjoys the night clubs (that were made famous by Jack kerouac, who I talked about in my first reading log). He finds himself in topless bars and in the center of the hippie culture that had recently taken over Haight-Ashbury. He goes to the warehouse, which is a converted parking garage and the gang stays there for a few days. There is no indoor plumbing so they either have to relieve themselves outside or in an abandoned bathroom. Wolfe carries around the bathroom key as though it's his "bladder-totem". They're all inside of this gloomy place, sleeping on matresses and listening to Bob Dylan whom is singing through a hidden stereo. He comes across two hippies, The Hermit and Mountain Girl, who are painting a bus that reads "ACID TEST GRADUATION".

The Catcher in the Rye

I read this book in one day. I always started it but never finished because something came up and I'm not the kind of person that can stop reading then just hop right back into where I was. It has to be continuous. or at least partially continuos. or else my mind is overfilled with other, useless thoughts that cloud the feelings I got from reading the previous night, or day before. If a big gap of time does come up, not allowing me to read, then I will have to re-read a few pages or even a chapter or two to get back to where I was.
This novel is definitely my favorite. Most people are aware that it was the book that John Lennon's murder always carried around with him. Because of this it was banned in a lot of places. Worried it may have the same effect on others as it did on Mark Chapman (Lennon's murderer). The whole book is about teenage agnst. This Holden character is just so frustrated with the world and constantly has a sarcastic tone which is humorous in some ways because he has such crude humor. Holden doesn't understand how everyone can be so fake (Which I'm sure everyone can connect to). One example is that his roomate always makes sure he looks prim and proper, but if you really knew the guy, or ever saw his room, you'd know he's exactly to opposite. His roomate was a slob but pretended otherwise around others. Holden's kicked out of three different, prestigious schools that his rich parents keep sending him to. He stands on a hill, looking down on the football game that allll the students are at, and he bids farewell to his school and all their lousy students. He's finally fed up with the whole education thing and he uses his money to buy and apartment. He sneaks into his own home, because his parents are unaware he's flunked out of all five subjects, and he visits his sister. Which is the only person, in his mind, who is not fake and he's determined to make sure she never will be. This message has a deeper meaning than what meets the eye and you have to ask yourself after reading: "What does this all mean?"

Vegan Banana Pancakes.

This morning I woke up to the rainy morning outside my window and thought that nothing would suit it better than making cinnamon banana pancakes. This is one of the esiest, fastest breakfast food and I thought I'd share the recipe with you.

2.5 cups of flour
2 table spoons of sugar
2 tea spoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
2.5 cups of chocolate soy milk
1 banana
2 teaspoons of vanilla
option: vegan chocolate shavings.

Mix all of the dry ingrediants together than add in the chocolate soymilk and mosh the banana. The dough will be thicker than regular pancakes so it's a little bit different than your average batter! ENJOY!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Short List.

1.) This NPR program is the Buddhist wheel of life. You can click on the different realms and a man will talk a describe to you what it is exactly. If you're interested in learning about Buddhism, this is an easy way. Definitely a very limited type site but I find it interesting and educational.

2.) Even though it pains me to share this because its always been a secret of mine, this is how I find all the 'different' music that I listen to. There are all different sorts of genres. It's called we are hunted. Tons of upcoming artists that haven't quite made it big or even have no aspirations to do so. Some are well known by accident but overall, they hover right below the fame in this perfect little world of sound. (warning: may be labeled as hipster (which I dislike) but it has that feel to it) here's some songs that came out last week that I've fallen in love with. (sorry, you cannot see them on certain computers)

Fun-Some nights. This one is acepella and seems a bit churchy but it's so wonderful and happy.

Horse Feathers- Fit Against the Country. I'm not sure if any of you listen to the duhks but i grew up with then and they are such a rare style of music but this band really tries to capture the same idea and they did it beautifully.

3) This is a fashion site where they sell clothes and individuals make all different layouts and collages of the outfits so you can get an idea and feel for what the clothing. It's called polyvore and it's almost like and online super mall. I'm not a big shopper, but I felt this would apply to my female readers! The only downside to this site is since it is such a big site with various stores in it, you may have to have separate tabs and separate shopping carts for each store. but just think of it as carrying around tons of bags through a mall.

You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.

There are two kinds of people in this world; those who believe there are two types of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.' One of my favorite quotes from the book. I finally finished it and I like posting concluding entries rather than a few little ones throughout my reading. but i will, however, do that with my next book.

The book is about a princess by the name of Leigh-cheri, daughter of a disposed monarchy living somewhere in Seattle. She has woman who has raised her most of her life with the title of their maid. The maid, Guiletta is a secret cocaine addict and the heir to their kingdom. Leigh-cheri is a flower child type and is really big on humanitarian causes. She is in love with a man who has always been thought of as a big humanitarian himself, blowing up buildings for the sake of peace and protest. Later she finds out he's mainly in it just to stir the pot, but her eyes are still glazed with love for him. They both have read hair an are thought to be from other planets, according to the natives of Hawaii. They don't care. He feeds her tequila after tequila and the have lots of sex (not quite school appropriate but it's life). 

This post was LONG over due. and I started this post in the end of January but I kept forgetting to go back to it. This makes up for the two or three posts I have lacked regarding my reading. I am finished reading Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. I finished it long ago but I never published a post about it. It is his third book and it was written in 1980. Definitely one of the strangest books I have ever read, but not necessarily in a bad way. Very different and almost cartoonish, almost child-like but with adult humor and risque. Tom Robbins is an acquired taste that you'd have to build up. After reading this I am anxious to read more to determine if his books are appealing to me or not. (I can't decide if his prose is terrible or appealing) The writing style really has a Vonnegut tone to it which I loved because he's another good author.

"Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not. 
Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end. 
Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed, and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm. 
There is only one serious question. And that is: Who knows how to make love stay? 
Answer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Podcast response: adventure #448

Listening to the beginning of this post was almost like playing a sci-fi movie without paying attention to what's happening on the screen. The scientists of this meeting gather together for what will be know in history books for the worlds first attempt at making space travel possible. Not only is it scientists, but sci-fi fanatics as well only because they can bring a more fictional approach on the subject and try to make it possible. for example: pne man was interviewed saying that a plasma shield around a rocket ship to protect it from space dust was entirely possible. It's a mind blowing thought. Another man interviewed was quoted saying 'it's almost like we have real life solutions to problems we haven't encountered yet.'

The first 'article' of the podcast talks about a foreign, american man residing in china who, by accident, gets into a fight but flees the scene. The Chinese police find him and lock him up for, what he was told, a few days to a few weeks. No big deal, its just another adventure right? The few weeks turns into a few months, then it is almost a year and he still hasn't even been to court yet. He talks about the problems and how it was living in a narrow room with other men and rats coming out of the toilets. It's strange to think America is contemplating how long we will be trapt on earth, unable to make distance space travel, while others are contemplating how long they'll be held captive, trapped in their cement prison.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Inspiration.

Today I was reading No White Stone and came across a Walt Witman excerpt and it inspired me to start posting poetry. I have an app on my phone from the Poetry Foundation and I absolutely love it. I also have a daily enlightenment app along with a Buddha quotes apps, and daily haikus. So my post could range from poetry, to simple quotes. Either way, I think it's important to have a thought to hold onto each day. A thought that burns your mind that you toy with. Like a hot potato being thrown around in your mind and leaving permanent mark on you as a person. Too deep? Try and wake up each morning, read a spiritual or influencal quote, and just contemplate it. See if you can make it relate to you and your life. My post for today is linked in the "No White Stone" word in the first sentence. x

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vegan way of life.

(Spartana article, explicit category)
Being a vegan is a restricting but beneficial lifestyle and though vegans encounter problems with eating in the real world, in the sanctity of their homes, the living comes easy. I was a strict vegan for a while but now I'm more of just a 'very healthy eater.' One of my favorite sites to go to are because not only did it provide me with information, it also gave me recipes. Its a very open minded place with wild ideas such as ice-cream made from breastmilk or world vegan bake sale.

Does sun-dried tomato, tofu, mock cream cheese on pita chips sound good to you? Penne 'veganrelle' lasagna bake? How about chocolate pancakes? You can make almost anything and still be vegan. The texture may be different and the taste as well, but sometimes it's even better. Take the vegan pancakes for example; I make them all the time and I love them way more than normal ol' aunt jemimah.

There are local places that serves strictly vegan/vegetarian food. One place is right off coldwater and it's called Loving Cafe. If you're thinking of switching to a more vegan lifestyle, I'd recommend going to a restaurant like this so you can see all the possibilities of veganism without being discouraged. When you eat well, you feel well and nothing is better than feeling green and healthy :)

Analyzing Alphabet soup; the art of clean up.

A bowl of soup, a bowl of fruit, or people lying in the lawn, under umbrellas, protecting themselves from the sun, or maybe even the lens of a camera. These are some things in the first photograph that you could quite possibly see every day throughout your messy, chaotic life. The image goes right into your mind, cluttered with other pictures, each cluttered with things of no meaning.  The second photograph is what someone exhibiting OCD would love to see; arranged as if the world was finally theirs to organize. Though not colour-cordinated, the picture it self seems to be taken apart then put back together in a uniform design. There's no dead space within the shapes, no pieces touching, all in their own area, unable to be left unkempt.

"This Poem Doesn't Care That it Isn't a Sonnet," L...

No White Stone: "This Poem Doesn't Care That it Isn't a Sonnet," L...: Today's poem is located at Willow Springs.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Short list.

1) Eating all raw foods; the difficulty and enjoyment of a vegan diet. Talk about veganism and the benefits/difficulties that come along with it. maybe possibly throw in some facts to help others be more aware of their health. Along with local places that provide for people with this lifestyle. I may provide recipes as well.

2) My favourite  and or podcast stars. Though this is banned on blogger from school desks, I can provide names and links for curious students willing to look on their own terms.Most YouTube videos and podcasts I subscribe to are either comedy, gaming, or news updates.

3) iPhone apps in general which, of course, won't relate to the android users but they can have an idea of what apple product are capable of. Silly ones and practical ones. Ones that I use daily and others that I only look at now and then.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Less "Larry, Curly, and Moe" and more Woody Allen.

(Spartana article entry)
Introverts are generally the minority, but that doesn't mean that their personality traits are necessarily neurotic. Cain, (author) has an understanding mood of both the intro and extroverts because she feels she's an introvert herself but her husband she claims in an extrovert. This gives her and idea of both sides. Introverts seem to be a rare breed in this day and age with all the tv shows of loud, obnoxious females exhibiting outlandish behavior. It seems that society is slowly starting to get its fix on extroverts.

The common folk feed on the energy the extroverts give off as if it's water to the parched mouth of society. Slowly the public starts to lack the recognition of the introverts. The quiet minds hidden in the shadows of the upstairs bedroom, alone, as the party bumps from below their floor boards. The introverts can get their energy from within, and thrive on it without the stimulation of others. Big social gatherings aren't as appealing to the introverts as a bike ride into the woods with a good book might be. Many people see this as antisocial behavior but in fact, they'd just much rather prefer a get together with close friends than mindless wandering through a room filled with people.

Being shy, is not the same as being an introvert but it is a characteristic some introverts exhibit. Susan Cain, the woman being interviewed in this article, says we've moved from what used to be a culture of character, to a culture of personality. Extroverts can be appealing simply because individuals would love to be as outgoing as them, but certain characteristics you just have to embrace, while others you can only admire.